
Summary of First One Hundred Years

The expenditures for buildings since 1823 exceeded $15,460 as an accurate account of sums paid for sheds, repairs, insurance, painting and incidentals could not be obtained. The cost of the bell is not included. The first bell was exchanged in 1848 for a larger one, which was priced at twenty-eight cents per pound, weight 828 lbs., with yoke at $18 making a total of $249.84. The difference in exchange including cartage to and from the canal, material, labor, and hanging was $114.84 to be added to the above. The bell that was removed from the steeple in 1982 and placed in the memorial bell tower in the east lawn was cast by Adam Good in Buffalo in the 1850’s and weighed nearly 1800 lbs.

The total sum raised for benevolence from 1856 to October 1904 is $14,083.41. $1,300 was previously contributed towards the endowment of the Rochester University. The largest amount contributed any year was $947.32, the smallest, $76.55.

Since 1850 over $30,000 had been raised for salaries to pastors and supplies. The largest membership in the last half of the century numbered 273 in 1857. The smallest membership was 107 at the close of the century. From 1840 to 1904 over 1500 names appear on the records as having been admitted to membership.

The churches in Pittsford, Perinton, West Walworth and Webster, at their formation, drew from this church. The dismissions have always been in excess of those received by letter. The church had raised up eight ministers and one foreign missionary, called councils for eight ordinations at home, and assisted in recognizing twenty-six new churches and forming two associations.

“The good brethren of the early times gave evidence that they belonged to the church militant, “having a readiness to avenge all disobediencerdquo; as evidenced by the records of the great amount of discipline exercised. Every species of immorality was considered, and brought to notice of the church. Amusements were held as disciplinable offences, neglect of the church was immediately noticed and a committee sent to inquire the cause. There is no censure for these early fathers who labored so zealously, so sincerely, and so successfully for the purity of the church and its establishment upon the rock foundation.rdquo;

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