
Church Clerks

From the records it appears that no permanent church clerk was chosen until the election of Aaron Quick in 1816. He served with a slight intermission until 1828. Solomon Case was next chosen and continued in office five years. Then followed the election of S. S. Millard who served three and one-half years, and Ard Weeks one and one-half years.

In 1838 John Southworth was elected and continued in office until removed by death, October 23, 1853, faithful in attendance upon his duties for fourteen and two-thirds years. In November 1853 Alanson Higbie was chosen and continued in office nearly a quarter of a century, tendering his resignation April 9, 1878, on his removal to Fairport. He was a man strong in convictions of duty, diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; of whom it is said, he was seldom absent from a business meeting.

In 1878 Eugene Covey was elected and continued in office until moving to Rochester, having served twelve years. Isaac Bronson succeeded him and served two years. Next, Alpheus P. Thomas was elected and kept the church records for seven years. Eugene Covey, having returned to Penfield the office was tendered him a second time and he was elected in 1901. Nine persons have filled the office in the ten periods named since 1816.

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